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What is Environmental Health?

Environmental Health is the effect of physical, chemical and biological factors that can potentially affect human health. We are all affected by the environment we live in – the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat. Drawing on over 100 years of professional experience, we have a range of regular training opportunities for our members.

We worry...
so you don’t have to!

Environmental Health professionals work to ensure people can live their lives without constantly worrying that environmental factors will impact their health negatively. For instance, parents taking their children to their local swimming pool should be able to trust that the water is safe to swim in; or that going out for lunch to a favourite restaurant will not cause the family food poisoning.

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Improving our environment

Environmental Health practitioners work to improve our environment and factors that may affect human health through a wide range of skills in many disciplines. Example include:

Check out some examples of EHO's at work in this NZIEH video

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Water Quality

Drinking water, waste water, recreational and swimming pool water quality

Air Quality

Pollution control and air quality management

Hazardous Substances

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Food Safety

Handling, preparation, and storage of food

Hygiene Standards

Licensed premises including hairdressers, tattooists, skin piercers, beauty therapists, and funeral homes

Infectious and communicable diseases

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Health nuisances

Noise, rubbish and odour complaints


Camping grounds, hoarding and squalor

Hazardous substances

Health promotion